Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 306 : Locus of parabola

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Locus of parabola
  • Q02 | - Locus : Equation of parabola
  • Q03 | - Sketch parabola using ruler
  • Q04 | - Parabola : Polar form
  • Q05 | - Parabola : Special function
  • Q06 | - Reference

Q01. Diagram : Locus of parabola

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Q02. Locus : Equation of parabola

Locus of parabola
  • Point P to fixed point F and fixed line DQ has same distance
  • Find locus of point P
  • Where F is focus and DQ is the directrix
Equation of parabola
  • Coordinates : P(x, y), F(0, 0) and Q(x, y + D)
  • PF = Sqr(x^2 + y^2)
  • PQ = y + D where D is distance from focus F to directrix
  • By definition PF = PQ
  • Sqr(x^2 + y^2) = y + D
  • Square both sides
    • x^2 + y^2 = (y + D)^2
    • x^2 = 2*y*D + D^2
  • Hence the equation of parabola is y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2
Compare with y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
  • a = 1/(2*D)
  • b = 0
  • c = -D/2
  • The parabola : y = (x^2)/(2*D) - D/2
    • Focus F at (0, 0)
    • Vertex V at (0, -D/2)
    • Directrix equation is y = -D
Example : Find coordinates of Focus of y = F(x) = x^2 - 6*x + 8
  • Vertex
    • xv = -b/(2*a) = -(-6)/(2*1) = -3
    • yv = F(xv) = (-3)^2 - 6*(-3) + 8 = -1
  • Distance from focus to directrix is D = 1/(2*a) = 0.5
  • Coordinates of focus
    • xf = xv = -3
    • yf = yv + D/2 = -1 + 0.5/2 = -0.75
  • Equation of directrix : y = yv - D/2 = -1 - 0.5/2 = -1.25
  • Equation of principal axis : x = xv = -3

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Q03. Sketch parabola using ruler


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Q04. Parabola : Polar form

Polar form
  • 1. R = D/(1 - cos(A))
  • 2. R = D/(1 + cos(A))
  • 3. R = D/(1 - sin(A))
  • 4. R = D/(1 + sin(A))
Prove that R = D/(1 - cos(A)) is parabola
  • Definition
    • In ellipse : R/(D + x) = e and e is less than 1
    • In parabola : R/(D + x) = 1
    • In Hyperbola : R/(D + x) = e and e is greater than 1
  • Proof

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Q05. Parabola : Special forms

R = sec(A/2)^2 is parabola
  • sec(A/2)^2 = 1/(cos(A/2)^2)
  • cos(A/2)^2 = 1 + cos(A)
  • Hence R = sec(A/2)^2 = 1/(1 + cos(A))
  • It is parabola
    • It open to the left when A = 180
    • D = 1
  • It is same as x = a*y^2 + b*y + c when a is negtive
R = csc(A/2)^2 is parabola
  • csc(A/2)^2 = 1/(sin(A/2)^2)
  • sin(A/2)^2 = 1 - cos(A)
  • Hence R = csc(A/2)^2 = 1/(1 - cos(A))
  • It is parabola
    • It open to the right when A = 0
    • D = 1
  • It is same as x = a*y^2 + b*y + c when a is positive

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Q06. References

Exercises : y = x^2
  • 1. Find the directrix
  • 2. Find coordinate of focus
  • 3. Find equation of directrix

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