Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 314 : Parabola and quadratic function

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Parabola and quadratic function
  • Q02 | - Parabola and quadratic Function y = a*x^2 + b*x + c
  • Q03 | - Quadratic function y = 0.5*x^2 - 3*x + 2
  • Q04 | - Parabola y = 0.5*x^2 - 3*x + 2
  • Q05 | - Copmpare y = x^2 and y = (x - h)^2 - k
  • Q06 | - Reference

Q01. Diagram :

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Q02. Parabola and quadrtic function y = a*x^2 + b*x + c

Quadratic function
  • y-intercpt is c
  • zeros of y is
    • x = (-b + Sqr(b^2 - 4*a*c)/(2*a)
    • x = (-b - Sqr(b^2 - 4*a*c)/(2*a)
  • Vertex : x = -b/(2*a) and y = -(b^2 - 4*a*c)/(4*a)
  • Range : form -(b^2 - 4*a*c)/(4*a) to + infinite
  • Domain : all real x
  • Curve
    • It decrease from +infinite to yv
    • It Increase from yv to +infinite
    • It has minimum at (xv, yv)
    • It concave upward
  • Point p on curve. P to focus = P to directrix
  • vertex at (-b/(2*a), -(b^2 - 4*a*c)/(4*a)
  • Principal axis is x = -b/(2*a)
  • Distance from focus to directrix is D = 1/(2*a)
  • Focus at xf = (-b/(2*a), yf = D/2 - (b^2 - 4*a*c)/(4*a)
  • Directrix is y = -b/(2*a) - D/2

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Q03. Quadrtic function y = 0.5*x^2 - 3*x + 2

  • y-intercept is 1
  • zeros of y is at x = 0.764 and x = 5.236
  • Vertex (3, -2.5)
  • y = 0.5*(x - 0.764)*(x - 5.236)
  • The curve
    • x < 0.764, y is positive and curve is decreasing
    • x = 0.764, y is zero
    • x > 0.764 and x < 3 y is negative and curve id decreasing
    • x = 3.000 and y = -2.5 and the curve has minimum
    • x > 3.000 and x < 5.236 and y is positive and curve is increasing
    • x = 5.236, y is zseo
    • x > 5.326, y is positive and curve is increasing
Sequence and difference
  • x value ... Squence ... 1st diff ... 2nd diff
  • ..... 1 ...... -0.5
  • ..... 2 ...... -2.0 ....... -1.5
  • ..... 3 ...... -2.5 ....... -0.5 ........ 1.0
  • ..... 4 ...... -2.0 ....... +0.5 ........ 1.0
  • ..... 5 ...... -0.5 ....... +1.5 ........ 1.0
  • ..... 6 ...... +2.0 ....... +2.5 ........ 1.0
  • etc
  • y' = x - 3
    • x < 3 and y' is negative and curve is decreasing
    • x = 3 and y' is zero and curve has minimum
    • x > 3 and y' is positive and curve is increasing
  • y" = 1
    • Curve is concave upward
    • y" is same as the 2nd difference

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Q04. Parabola y = 0.5*x^2 - 3*x + 2

  • 1. Find Coordinates of vertex
  • 2. Find distance from focus to directrix
  • 3. Find Coordinates of focus
  • 4. Find equation of principal axis
  • 5. Find equation of directrix
  • 1. Vertex
    • xv = -b/(2*a) = -(-3)/(2*0.5) = 3
    • yv = F(xv) = 0.5*(3)^2 - 3*(3) + 2 = -2.5
  • 2. D = 1/(2*a) = 1/(2*0.1) = 1
  • 3. Focus
    • xf = xv = 3
    • yf = yv + D/2 = -2.5 + 1/2 = -2
  • 4. Equation of principal axis x = xv = 3
  • 5. Equation of directrix y = yv - D/2 = -2.5 - 0.5 = -3

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Q05. Copmpare y = x^2 and y = (x - h)^2 - k

  • Similarity
    • Both have D = 1/(2*a) = 1/2
    • Both are parabola opening upward
    • The curves are congruent
  • Difference
    • y = x^2
      • Vertex at (0, 0)
      • Focus at (0, 0.25)
      • Equation of directrix y = -0.25
    • y = (x - h)^2 - k
      • Vertex at (h, k)
      • Focus at (0, k + 0.25)
      • Equation of directrix y = k - 0.25

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Q06. Reference


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