Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 319 : DeMovire's Theory

  • Q01 | - Diagram to Solve x^5 + 1 = 0
  • Q02 | - DeMovire's theory
  • Q03 | - Solve x^5 + 1 = 0 by DeMovire's theory
  • Q04 | - Solve x^5 + 1 = 0 by construction
  • Q05 | - Solve x^4 - x^3 + x^2 - x + 1 = 0
  • Q06 | - Reference

Q01. Diagram :

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Q02. DeMovire's thoery

Rule 1
  • (cos(A) + i*sin(A))^n = cos(n*A) + i*sin(n*A)
Rule 2
  • (cos(A) + i*sin(A))^(1/n) = cos((2*k*pi + A)/n) + i*sin((2*k*pi + A)/n)
  • Where k = 0, 1, 2, .... (n - 1)

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Q03. Solve x^5 + 1 = 0 by DeMovire's theory

Change x^5 = -1 to polar form
  • x^5 = cos(180) + i*sin(180)
Find x
  • x = (cos(180) + i*sin(180))^(1/5)
  • x = cos((2*k*pi + 180)/5) + i*sin((2*k*pi + 180)/5)
  • k = 0, x0 = cos(036) + i*sin(036)
  • k = 1, x1 = cos(108) + i*sin(108)
  • k = 2, x2 = cos(180) + i*sin(180) = -1
  • k = 3, x3 = cos(252) + i*sin(252)
  • k = 4, x4 = cos(324) + i*sin(324)
Conjugate solution
  • x0 and x4 are conjugate
    • x0 + x4 = cos(36) + i*sin(36) + cos(324) + i*sin(324)
    • = cos(36) + i*sin(36) + cos(360 - 36) + i*sin(360 - 36)
    • = cos(36) + i*sin(36) + cos(36) - i*sin(36)
    • = 2*cos(36)
    • = Real number
    • x0*x4 = (cos(36) + i*sin(36))*(cos(324) + i*sin(324))
    • = (cos(36) + i*sin(36))*(cos(36) - i*sin(36))
    • = cos(36)^2 - (i^2)*sin(36)^2
    • = cos(36)^2 + sin(36)^2
    • = 1
    • = Real number
  • x1 and x3 are conjugate
  • x1 + x3 = cos(108) + i*sin(108) + cos(252) + i*sin(252)
  • = cos(180 - 72) + i*sin(180 - 72) + cos(180 + 72) + i*sin(180 + 36)
  • = -cos(72) + i*sin(72) - cos(72) - i*sin(72)
  • = -2*cos(72)
  • = Real number
  • x0*x4 = (cos(108) + i*sin(108))*(cos(252) + i*sin(252))
  • = (-cos(72) + i*sin(72))*(-cos(72) - i*sin(72))
  • = cos(72)^2 - (i^2)*sin(72)^2
  • = cos(72)^2 + sin(72)^2
  • = 1
  • = Real number
  • sin(180 - A) = +sin(A)
  • sin(180 + A) = -sin(A)
  • sin(360 - A) = -sin(A)
  • cos(180 - A) = -cos(A)
  • cos(180 + A) = -cos(A)
  • cos(360 - A) = +cos(A)

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Q04. Solve x^5 + 1 = 0 by construction

  • Draw a large unit circle (Radius = 1 unit)
  • Draw five points P, Q, R, S, T on circle
  • Draw angle A0 = angle POX = 036
  • Draw angle A1 = angle QOX = 108
  • Draw angle A2 = angle ROX = 180
  • Draw angle A3 = angle SOX = 252
  • Draw angle A4 = angle TOX = 324
Find solution by measurments
  • Find root r0
    • Let coordinates P be (x0, y0)
    • Measure x0 and y0 then r0 = x0 + i*y0
  • Find root r1
    • Let coordinates Q be (x1, y1)
    • Measure x0 and y0 then r1 = x1 + i*y1
  • r2 = -1
  • r3 is conjugate of r1
  • r4 is conjugate of r0

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Q05. Solve x^4 - x^3 + x^2 - x + 1 = 0

Use solution of x^5 + 1 = 0
  • Since x^5 + 1 = (x + 1)*(x^4 - x^3 + x^2 - x + 1)
  • The roots are r0, r1, r3, r4
  • r0 = cos(036) + i*sin(036)
  • r1 = cos(108) + i*sin(108)
  • r3 = cos(252) + i*sin(252)
  • r4 = cos(324) + i*sin(324)

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Q06. Reference

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Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 319
Question : Solve x^5 + 1 = 0 by construction
  • 1. Find root 1 at Angle = 000 : R1 = 1
  • 2. Find root 2 at Angle = 072 degrees : R2 = x2 + i*y2
  • 3. Find root 3 at Angle = 144 degrees : R3 = x3 + i*y3
  • 4. Find root 4 at Angle = 216 degrees : R4 = x4 + i*y4
  • 5. Find root 5 at Angle = 288 degrees : R5 = x5 + i*y5

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