Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

    Figure 322 : Angle (A+B) and (A-B)

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Angle (A+B) and (A-B)
  • Q02 | - sin(A+B) = sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*sin(B)
  • Q03 | - cos(A+B) = cos(A)*cos(B) - sin(A)*sin(B)
  • Q04 | - sin(A+B) = sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*sin(B)
  • Q05 | - cos(A-B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B)
  • Q06 | - Tan(A-B) and tan(A-B)
  • Q07 | - Find cos(A-B) using cosine law and distance formula

    Q01. Diagram : Angle (A + B) and angle (A - B)

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    Q02. sin(A+B) = sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*sin(B)

    • Diagram 322 : Angle (A+B)
    • PN perpendicular to ON and NK perpemdicular to PL.
    • Right triangle ONP.
      • NP = OP*sin(B) and NO = OP*cos(B).
    • Right triangle OPL
      • sin(A+B) = PL/OP = (PK + KL)/OP = (PK + MN)/OP.
      • PK = NP*cos(A) = OP*sin(B)*cos(A).
      • MN = ON*sin(A) = OP*cos(B)*sin(A).
      • sin(A+B) = sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*sin(B).
    Application of sin(A+B) : Find values
    • sin(075) = sin(30+ 45) = sin(30)*cos(45) + cos(30)*sin(45) = ?
    • sin(105) = sin(180-75) = +sin(75)
    • sin(255) = sin(180+75) = -sin(75)
    • sin(285) = sin(360-75) = -sin(75)
    Application of sin(A+B) : Find drivative of sin(x)
    • Lim[sin(x+h) - sin(x))/h] = cos(x) as h tends to 0.

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    Q03. cos(A+B) = cos(A)*cos(B) - sin(A)*sin(B)

    • Diagram : Angle (A+B)
    • PN perpendicular to ON and NK perpemdicular to PL.
    • Right triangle ONP
      • NP = OP*sin(B) and NO = OP*cos(B).
    • Right triangle OPL
      • cos(A+B) = OL/OP = (OM - LM)/OP = (OM - KN)/OP.
      • KN = NP*sin(A) = OP*sin(B)*sin(A).
      • OM = ON*cos(A) = OP*cos(B)*cos(A).
      • cos(A+B) = cos(A)*cos(B) - sin(A)*sin(B).
    Application of cos(A+B)
    • cos(075) = cos(30+ 45) = cos(30)*c0s(45) - cos(30)*sin(45) = ?
    • cos(105) = cos(180-75) = -cos(75)
    • cos(255) = cos(180+75) = -cos(75)
    • cos(285) = cos(360-75) = +cos(75)

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    Q04. sin(A-B) = sin(A)*cos(B) - cos(A)*sin(B)

    • Diagram 322 : Angle (A-B)
    • PN perpendicular to ON and NK perpemdicular to PL.
    • Right triangle ONP.
      • NP = OP*sin(B) and NO = OP*cos(B).
    • Right triangle OPL
      • sin(A-B) = PL/OP = (KL - PK)/OP = (MN - OK)/OP.
      • PK = NP*cos(A) = OP*sin(B)*cos(A).
      • MN = ON*sin(A) = OP*cos(B)*sin(A).
      • sin(A-B) = sin(A)*cos(B) - cos(A)*sin(B).
    Application of sin(A-B)
    • sin(015) = sin(45- 30) = sin(30)*c0s(45) + cos(30)*sin(45) = ?
    • sin(165) = sin(180-15) = +sin(15)
    • sin(195) = sin(180+15) = -sin(15)
    • sin(345) = sin(360-15) = -sin(15)

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    Q05. cos(A-B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B)

    Geometric method
    • Diagram 322 : Angle (A-B)
    • PN perpendicular to ON and NK perpemdicular to PL.
    • Right triangle ONP
      • NP = OP*sin(B) and NO = OP*cos(B).
    • Right triangle OPL
      • cos(A-B) = OL/OP = (OM + LM)/OP = (OM + KN)/OP.
      • KN = NP*sin(A) = OP*sin(B)*sin(A).
      • OM = ON*cos(A) = OP*cos(B)*cos(A).
      • cos(A+B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B).
    Use cosine law and distance formuls
    • Construction
      • Draw a unit circle with OX = 1.
      • Draw point P and Q on circle. OP = OQ = 1.
      • Angle XOP = A and XOQ = B
      • Angle POQ = A - B
      • Distance = AB = d
    • Proof
      • By cosine law
        • d^2 = 1^2 + 1^2 - 2*1*1*cos(A-B)
        • d^2 = 2 - 2*cos(A-B)
      • Find distance between P and Q
        • Coordinate P(cos(A), sin(A))
        • Coordinate Q(cos(B), sin(B))
        • d^2 = (cos(A)-cos(B))^2 + (sin(A)-sin(B))^2
        • Since cos(A)^2 + sin(A)^2 = 1 and cos(B)^2 + sin(B)^2 = 1
        • After expansion
        • d^2 = 2 - 2*cos(A)*cos(B) - 2*sin(A)*sin(B)
      • Hence cos(A-B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B)
    Application of cos(A-B)
    • cos(015) = cos(45- 30) = cos(30)*cos(45) + sin(30)*sin(45) = ?
    • cos(165) = cos(180-15) = -cos(15)
    • cos(195) = cos(180+15) = -cos(15)
    • cos(345) = cos(360-15) = +cos(15)

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    Q06. tan(A+B) and tan(A-B)

    Prove that tan(x+y) = (tan(x) + tan(y))/(1 - tan(x)*tan(y)).
    • tan(A+B) = (sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*sin(B))/(sin(A)*cos(B) os(A)*cos(B)).
    • Divide numerator and denominator by cos(A)*cos(B).
    • tan(A+B) = (sin(A)/cos(A) + sin(B)/cos(B))/(1 - (sin(A)/cos(A))*(sin(B)/cos(B))).
    • tan(A+B) = (tan(A) +tan(B))/(1 - tan(A)*tan(B)
    Prove that tan(x-y) = (tan(x) - tan(y))/(1 + tan(x)*tan(y)).
    • tan(A-B) = (sin(A)*cos(B) - cos(A)*sin(B))/(sin(A)*cos(B) + cos(A)*cos(B)).
    • Divide numerator and denominator by cos(A)*cos(B).
    • tan(A-B) = (sin(A)/cos(A) - sin(B)/cos(B))/(1 + (sin(A)/cos(A))*(sin(B)/cos(B))).
    • tan(A-B) = (tan(A) - tan(B))/(1 + tan(A)*tan(B)
    Application of tan(A+B)
    • tan(075) = tan(30+ 45) = (tan(30) + tan(45))/(1 - tan(30)*tan(45)) = ?
    • tan(105) = tan(180-75) = -tan(75)
    • tan(255) = tan(180+75) = +tan(75)
    • tan(285) = tan(360-75) = -tan(75)
    Application of tan(A-B)
    • tan(015) = tan(45- 30) = (tan(45) - tan(30))/(1 + tan(30)*tan(45)) = ?
    • tan(165) = tan(180-15) = -tan(15)
    • tan(195) = tan(180+15) = +tan(15)
    • tan(345) = tan(360-15) = -tan(15)

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    Q07. Find cos(A-B) using cosine law and distance formuls

    Use cosine law and distance formuls

    • Draw a unit circle with OX = 1.
    • Draw point P and Q on circle. OP = OQ = 1.
    • Angle XOP = A and XOQ = B
    • Angle POQ = A - B
    • Distance = AB = d
    • By cosine law
      • d^2 = 1^2 + 1^2 - 2*1*1*cos(A-B)
      • d^2 = 2 - 2*cos(A-B)
    • Find distance between P and Q
      • Coordinate P(cos(A), sin(A))
      • Coordinate Q(cos(B), sin(B))
      • d^2 = (cos(A)-cos(B))^2 + (sin(A)-sin(B))^2
      • Since cos(A)^2 + sin(A)^2 = 1 and cos(B)^2 + sin(B)^2 = 1
      • After expansion
      • d^2 = 2 - 2*cos(A)*cos(B) - 2*sin(A)*sin(B)
    • Hence cos(A-B) = cos(A)*cos(B) + sin(A)*sin(B)

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