Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Figure 327 : Hyperbola x*y = 1

  • Q01 | - Diagram : Hyperbola x*y = 1
  • Q02 | - Compare x*y = 1 with (x/a)^2 - (y/b)^2 = 1
  • Q03 | - Rotate x*y = 1 45 degrees
  • Q04 | - Eliminate x*y term
  • Q05 | - Using eliminate method for x*y = 1
  • Q06 | - Equation of directrix of Hyperbola x*y = 1
  • Q07 | - Find focal length of (x + 1)*(y - 2) = 1

Q01. Diagram : Hyperbola x*y = 1

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Q02. Compare x*y = 1 with (x/a)^2 - (y/b)^2 = 1

Diagram of x*y = 1
  • Vertex U at xu = -1 and yu = -1 or U(-1, -1)
  • Vertex V at xv = +1 and yv = +1 or V(+1, +1)
  • Center C(0, 0)
  • Principal axis is y = x
  • CU = Sqr(xu^2 + yu^2) = Sqr(2)
  • Corresponding hyperbola if rotate 45 degrees
    • (x/Sqr(2))^2 - (y/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
    • Hence semi-axese : a = Sqr(2) and b = Sqr(2)
    • Hence CF = f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2) = 2
    • Hence Focus F at (-Sqr(2), -Sqr(2))
    • D*e = (b^2)/a = Sqr(2) and e = f/a = Sqr(2)
    • Hence D = 1
Hyperbola : (x/Sqr(2))^2 - (y/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
  • Principal axis y = 0
  • a = Sqr(2) and b = Sqr(2)
  • Center at (0, 0)
  • Vertex U at (-Sqr(2), 0)
  • Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2) = 2
  • Focus F at (-2, 0)
  • D*e = (b^2)/a = Sqr(2)
  • e = f/a = Sqr(2)
  • Hence D = 1 = distance from focus F to directrix
  • x*y = 1 and (x/Sqr(2))^2 - (y/Sqr(2))^2 = 1 are congruent
  • The difference is the principal axese
    • For (x/a)^2 - (y/b)^2 = 1, principal axis is y = 0
    • For x*y = 1, principal axis is y = x

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Q03. Rotate x*y = 1 with angle 45 degrees

Question : Rotate x*y = 1 45 degrees
  • 1. Find semi-axese
  • 2. Find focal length
  • 3. Find corrdinates of foci
Rotation coordinates (u, v) to (x, y)
  • Rotation matrix
    • | +cos(A) +sin(A) |
    • | -sin(A) +cos(A) |
  • (u, v) to (x, y)
    • u = +x*cos(A) + y*sin(A)
    • v = -x*sin(A) + y*cos(A)
    Rotation coordinate x and y to coordiante to u and v
  • Rotation matrix
    • | +cos(A) -sin(A) |
    • | +sin(A) +cos(A) |
  • (x, y) to (u, v)
    • x = +u*cos(A) + v*sin(A)
    • y = -u*sin(A) + v*cos(A)
Example : Change x*y = 1 to u and v coordiante by rotating 45 degrees
  • x = +u*cos(A) - v*sin(A)
  • y = +u*sin(A) + v*cos(A)
  • Hence x*y = 1
  • (+u*cos(A) - v*sin(A))*(+u*sin(A) + v*cos(A)) = 1
  • Since cos(45) = Sqr(2)/2 and sin(45) = Sqr(2)/2
  • Hence (Sqr(2)*u/2 - Sqr(2)*v/2)*(Sqr(2)*u/2 + Sqr(2)*v/2) = 1
  • Since (x - y)*(x + y) = x^2 - y^2
  • Hence (1/2)*(u^2 - v^2) = 1
  • Hence (u/Sqr(2))^2 - (v/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
    • Hence a = b = Sqr(2)
    • Hence f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2) = 2
Example : Find coordinates of foci of x*y = 1
  • Vertices of (u/Sqr(2))^2 - (v/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
    • (-Sqr(2), -Sqr(2)) and (Sqr(2), Sqr(2)) in UOV coordinates
  • Vertices of x*y = 1
    • (-1, 1) and (1, 1) in XOY coordinates
  • Foci of (u/Sqr(2))^2 - (v/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
    • Since f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2) = 2
    • Hence coordinates of foci are (-2, -2) and (2, 2) in UOV coordinates
  • Foci of x*y = 1 in XOY coordinates
    • From diagram CF = 2
    • Hence xf = 2*cos(1.25*pi) = -Sqr(2) and yf = 2*sin(1.25*pi) = -Sqr(2)
    • Hence coordinates of focus (-Sqr(2), -Sqr(2)) and (Sqr(2), Sqr(2))

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Q04. Eliminate x*y term

  • Equation : F(x,y) = A*x^2 + B*x*y + C*y^2 + D*x + E*y + F = 0
  • Rotation : Transform x and y to u and v by roration angle t
Rotation matrix
  • (1) x = u*cos(t) - v*sin(t)
  • (2) y = u*sin(t) + v*cos(t)
Equation after rotation
  • Equation : A'*u^2 + B'*u*v + C'*v^2 + D'*u + E'*v + F' = 0
  • Coefficients
  • A' = A*cos(t)^2 + B*cos(t)*sin(t) + C*sin(t)^2
  • B' = (C - A)*sin(2*t) + B*cos(2*t)
  • C' = A*sin(t)^2 - B*cos(t)*sin(t) + C*cos(t)^2
  • D' = +D*cos(t) + E*sin(t)
  • E' = -D*sin(t) + E*cos(t)
  • F' = F Eliminate u*v term
    • Let B'=0.
    • (C - A)*sin(2*t) + B*cos(2*t)=0
    • Hence tan(2*t)=B/(A - C)
    • Angle t = arctan(B/(A - C))/2
    Find semi-axis and focal length by completing the square
    • Chnage A'*u^2 + C'*v^2 + D'*u + E'*v + F' = 0 to
    • Using completing square : ((u - h)/a)^2 + ((v - k)/b)^2 = 1
      • Since no u*v we can use completing square nethod
      • Hence we find h and k
      • We can also find a and b
      • We can also find vertice and focal length f

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    Q05. Using eliminate method for x*y = 1

    Change x*y = 1 to (x/a)^2 - (y/b)^2 = 1
    • A = 0, B = 1, C = 0, D = 0, E = 0 and F = -1
    • Find A', B', ....
      • Rotate angle t = arctan(1/(0 - 0)/2 = 45 degree
      • A'
      • = A*cos(t)^2 + B*cos(t)*sin(t) - C*sin(t)^2
      • = 0 + 1*cos(45)*sin(45) - 0
      • = 1/2
      • B'
      • = (C - A)*sin(2*t) + B*cos(2*t)
      • = 0
      • C'
      • = A*sin(t)^2 - B*cos(t)*sin(t) + C*cos(t)^2
      • = 0 - 1*cos(45)*sin(45) - 0
      • = -1/2
      • D' = +D*cos(45) + E*sin(45) = 0
      • E' = -D*sin(45) + E*cos(45) = 0
      • F' = F = -1
    • Hence equation becomes : (1/2)*u^2 - (1/2)*v^2 - 1 = 0
    • Hence (u/Sqr(2))^2 - (v/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
    • That is a = Sqr(2) and b = Sqr(2)
    • That is f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2)) = 2

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    Q06. Equation of directrix of Hyperbola x*y = 1

    • Find equation of directrix
    Find equation of directix x*y = 1
    • Equation directrix is y = -x + c
    • From Diagram we see that
      • CF = CQ + QF
      • QF = D = 1 is the distance from F to directrix
      • CQ = CF - QF = 2 - 1
    • Find c using right triangle CQP
      • Let P be intersection of directrix with y-axis
      • Since angle CQP = 90 and angle CPQ = 45 degrees
      • Hence QP = CQ = 1.2929
      • Hence CP = Sqr(PQ^2 + CQ^2)
      • = Sqr(2*(1.2929)^2)
      • = Sqr(3.34318)
      • = 1.828436
      • Hence c = -1.828436
      • Hence y = - x - 1.828436
    • 2nd method to find c : Using coordinate of Q (-0.9142, -0.9142)
      • Since CQ = 1.2929
      • Hence xq^2 + yq^2 = CQ^2
      • Since xq = yq
      • Hence xq = -0.9142 and yq = -0.9142
      • Substitute xq, yq into y = -x + c
      • Hence c = -18284

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    Q07. Find focal length of (x + 1)*(y - 2) = 1

    Use translation
    • Translate origin of x*y = 1 to (-1, 2)
    • We have (x + 1)*(y - 2) = 1
    • Hence (x + 1)*(y - 2) = 1 is congruent to x*y = 1
      • It is congruent with (x/Sqr(2))^2 - (y/Sqr(2))^2 = 1
      • Hence focal length f = Sqr(a^2 + b^2) = 2

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