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Figure 7 : International NumAlpha Flag Codes
Product no. Program 96 02

How to use ?
    (1) Computer give a flag
    (2) Student type a number on keyboard
    (3) Answer all 10 questions and see the records
    (4) Computer give two flags (5) Student find the sum of numbers and type if on keyboard

How to use ?
    (1) Computer give a flag
    (2) Student find character from the flag
    (3) and type a character on keyboard
    (4) or computer give two flags
    (5) Student types two charactors on keyboard

Title .... Use International Flag Code to improve knowledge

Q1. What is International Number Flage Codes ?
Q2. What is International Alphabetic Flag Codes ?
Q3. Are they still in use ?

Q4. It is used to design for grade one mathematics
    * Method * ... Computer give one or two flags
    * ... Student give the answer
    * ... There are 10 questions
    * ... It give two records : Correctness and speed
    * Purposes
    * ... Train observation, reaction, corectness
    * ... Understand that practice can improve skill
    * ... Train calculation by heart
    * ... Familiar the use of keyboard
    * * Encouragent standard for a gift
    * ... Correctness .... 100%
    * ... Speed .......... 30 seconds

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