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Figure 23 : Find program by index files
Product no. Program ABE

Q1. What is this window ?
    (1) Command ByIndex ........ Load general index
    (2) Command Algebra ........ Load algebra index
    (3) Command Trigonometry ... Loads trigonometry indx
    (4) Command Calculus ....... Loads calculus index
    (5) Command Computer ....... Loads compter index

Q2. What are the data in the big box ?
    (1) It is the content keywords given by alphabetic index
    (2) First number is the chapter and 2nd number is program
    (3) Click a line will display the given diagram

Q3. Can we view the general index on internet ?
  • Answer : Yes. It is in the contents by index. This is very usefule
  • Answer : This index is no space for NotePad. we can add more in others
  • Answer : We can add more in algebra (Index01.txt)

Q4. Find diagrams related with Trigonometry
A4. Answer
  • Click By Index
  • Serach keyword starting with T

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