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Figure 32 : Patterns of R=1+1*sin(p*A/4)^M
Product no. Program Pattern

Q1. What is the diagram ?
    * It is the diagram of r = 1+1*sin(p*A/4)^M
    * Where p = 1 to 8 amd M = 1 to 5
    * It is used to pick up the pattern and find the function
    * The cycle domain for M = 1, 3, 5 is 8*pi
    * The cycle domain for M = even number is 4*pi

Q2. Prove that the cycle domain is 2*q*pi when M is odd ?
    * Use Program WebABC and Click QA
    * Click topic 8 in upper box
    * Click program 08 01 and sketch for A = (0,pi)
    * Back and Click 08 04 and sketch for A = (0,4*pi)
    * Back and Click 08 05 and sketch for A = (0,5*pi)

Q3. Prove that the cycle domain is q*pi when M is even ?
    * Use WebABC WebABC and Click QA
    * Click topic 8 in upper box
    * Click Data and define p = 3 or M = 2
    * Click program 08 01 and sketch for A = (0,pi)
    * Back and Click 08 03 and sketch for A = (0,3*pi)

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