Figure 1 : Ellipse
PF + PG = 2*a

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Keywords : PF + PG = 2*a is ellipse
Q1. Defintion : PF + PG = 2*a is ellipse
  • If PF + PG = 2*a, then the locus of P is ellipse.
  • Equation of locus : (x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1.
  • Center is at C(h,k).
  • CF = CG = f = focal length = Sqr(a^2 - b^2).
  • CU = CV = a = major semi-axis.
  • FU = CU - CF = a - f.
  • Principal axis is y = k if a greater than b.

Q2. Definition : R/PQ = e is an ellipse in polar coordiante
  • Equation of locus is R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)).
  • Where focus F is (0,0) and angle A is PF making with x-axis.
  • Directrix is y = -D where D is the distance from F to direcrtix.
  • PQ is distance from P to directirx and Q is on directrix.
  • R = PF and PQ = D + x where x = R*cos(A).
  • e = f/a and e is less than 1 for ellipse.

Q3. How to find D ?
  • Since e = f/a.
  • When A 180 and cos(A) = -1.
  • Hence R = UF = D*e/(1+e) = f - a.
  • Hence D = (f-a)*(1+e)/e
Example : x^2/5^2 + y^2/3^2 = 1. Find equation of directrix.
  • Principal axis is y = 0.
  • a=5 and b=3. Hence f = Sqr(a^2-b^2) = 4
  • e = f/a = 4/5 = 0.8.
  • Use polar form : R = D*e/(1-e*cos(A)) and F is the origin.
    • When A = 180 and con(A) = -1 and R = UF = a - f.
    • Hence a - f = D*e/(1+e).
    • Hence D = (a-f)*(1+e)/e = (5-4)*(1+0.8)/0.8 = 2.25.
    • Hence equation of directrix is x = -f - D = -6.25.
  • Use polar form : R = D*e/(1+e*cos(A)) and F is the origin.
    • When A = 0 and con(A) = 1 and R = VG = a - f.
    • Hence a - f = D*e/(1+e).
    • Hence D = (a-f)*(1+e)/e = (5-4)*(1+0.8)/0.8 = 2.25.
    • Hence equation of directrix is x = f + D = 6.25.

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