Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Question and Answer

  • Q01 | - Symbol Defintion
  • Q02 | - Change x^n to mathematical symbols
  • Q03 | - Change Abs(x) to mathemtical symbol
  • Q04 | - Change sin(x)^2 to mathematical symbols
  • Q05 | -
  • Q06 | -
  • Q07 | -
  • Q08 | -
  • Q09 | -
  • Q10 | -

  • Answers

    Q01. Symbol Definition

    • ^ ................... It stands power
    • * ................... It stands multiplication
    • / ................... It stands division
    • 2*3 ................. It menas 2 times 3 (2x3)
    • 2/3 ................. It means 2 divide by 3
    • 2^3 ................. It means 2 to power 3
    • abs(x) .............. It means absolute value of x. e.g. |-1|=1
    • atn(x) .............. It stands for arctan(x). e.g. atn(1)=pi/4
    • cis(x) .............. It is cos(x) + i*sin(x)
    • cos(x) .............. It is cosine function of x (x in deg or radians
    • C(n,r) .............. It stands for coefficients of binomial expansion
    • e^x ................. It means e to power x
    • exp(x) .............. It stands for exponent. e.g. exp(1)=2.718281829
    • log(x) .............. It is natural logarithm. e.g. ln(e) = 1, ln(1)=0
    • n! .................. It is n factorial. e.g. 5! = 1*2*3*4*5 = 120
    • pi .................. It is 3.141592...
    • sin(x) .............. It is sine function of x (x in deg or radians)
    • tan(x) .............. It is tangent function of x (x in deg or radians)
    • sqr(x) .............. It means square roots of x. e.g. sqr(16)=4
    • Sum[n^2] ............ It stands for summation of n^2 from 1 to n
    Computer Language
    • EQ .................. It stands equal to
    • GE .................. It stands greater than and equal to
    • GT .................. It stands greater than
    • LE .................. It stands less than and equal to
    • LT .................. It stands less than

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    Q02. Change x^n to mathematical symbol

    Example 1 : y = a*(x^2) + b*x + c
    • Mathematics : y = ax² + bx + c
    Example 2 : y = a*(x^3) + b*(x^2) + c*x + d
    • Mathematics : y = ax³ + bx² + c*x + c
    Example 3 : Sum[n^2] with limit n from 1 to n
    • Mathematics : Sum[n^2] = ∑(n²)

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    Q03. Change Abs(x) to mathematical symbol

    Example 1 Solve abs(x+1)=2
    • Mathematics : Solve | x + 1 | = 0
    • Solution
      • (x+1)=+1 and x= 0
      • (x+1)=-1 and x=-2

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    Q04. Change sin(x)^2 to mathematical symbols

    Example 1 : y = sin(x)^2
    • Mathematics : y = sin²(x)
    Example 2 : cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2 = 1
    • Mathematics : cos²(x) + sin²(x) = 1
    Example 1 : tan(x)^2 + 1 = sec(x)^2
    • Mathematics : tan²(x) + 1 = sec²(x)

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    Q05. Answer

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    Q06. Answer

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    Q07. Answer

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    Q08. Answer

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    Q09. Answer

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    Q10. Answer
      Example 2 Find angle between y=m*x+n and x-axis
      Answer 02
        * Angle = atn(m) in radians
        * Angle = 180*atn(m)/pi and pi = 3.1416
        * Where m is slope and n is y-intercept

      Example 3 Prove cos(pi/3) = 1/2
      Answer 02
        * Right triangle ABC and angle A = pi/6 = 30 degrees
        * Then Opp = Hyp/2 and Adj = sqr(3)/2
        * Sin(A) = Opp/Hyp = 1/2 and cos(A) = sqr(3)/2
        * Sin(B) = sqr(3)/2 and cos(B) = 1/2
        * Where A = 30 degrees and B = 60 degrees

      Example 4 Prove C(10,2) = C(10,8)
      Answer 02
        * Definition : C(n,r) = n(n-1)....(n-r+1)/r!
        * C(10,2) = (10*9)/(1*2) = 450 (n=10 and r=2)
        * C(10,8) = (10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3)/(1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8) = 450
        * Hnece C(10,2) = C(10,8)
        * Hence C(n, r) = C(n,n-r)
        * Note : 0! = 1 and C(n,0) = 1 and C(n,n) = 1

      Example 5 How many trailor zeros in n! ?
      Answer 05
        * Trailor zeros = n/5 + n/25 + n/125 + n/625 + ....
        * Each divistion takes only integer portion
        * For 20! Trailor zeros = 20/5 + 20/25 = 4 + 0 = 4
      Example 6 Composite function : e^(ln(x)) = x.
      • It can be expressed as Exp(Log(x)) = x.

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