Frog & Shark Anatomy


Materials Used: scissors, dissection board and plate, scalpel, razor, latex gloves, pins, 1 frog, and 1 shark.

Procedure: I began by taking the frog out of its sealed container. I then laid it down on the dissection plate and placed one pin in each of its limbs. Finally I used the scissors and the razor blade to cut the mouth and underside of the frog open and observe its inner anatomy.
 My second investigation the shark dissection began in the same way. I opened a sealed container then, I placed the shark on a flat dissection board. Next I opened the shark’s mouth with the aid of scissors and a razor blade. Finally I made an insertion from the anus of the shark to the mouth. After opening the shark through the cut, I observed the internal anatomy.

Results: The shark and frog dissections were similar in the way that they started, but very different as far as internal anatomy. The frog only has two vomerine teeth and the shark has several rows of razor sharp teeth. The fogs heart contains three chambers and the shark’s heart contains only two. This shows that frogs are farther evolved than sharks. The size of the shark’s liver is much larger in comparison to the frogs. The shark has three main parts to its liver, two of these three parts extend through the sharks body. The frog on the other hand only has two parts to it’s liver and they are contained within the upper part of it chest cavity. The spleen is relatively the same size in retrospect to each of these species. With one subtle difference the shark’s spleen is spread out through its abdomen. The frog has a few other internal organs that the shark does not have lungs, fat bodies, oviducts and a bladder. The organs that the shark has that the frog does not are rugae, bile duct, pancreas, and ileum w/spiral valve. One more difference between the frog and the shark is, the ability of the frog to be both male and female.

Conclusion: By performing dissections on these two animals I was able to learn more about the way they function (internally). And I am now able to appreciate these different species and the way they co-exist.

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