"B"cause penny earned it.

By Carl R. Penny Jr. 
student at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke


  During the course of this Class I have learned how to create and have almost mastered the concepts of creating and designing web pages. I became so interested in this new way of looking at writing that I was interested in doing it for the first time in my life. I was also selected as the group leader and had to spend extra time in the library editing group work so anyone who read it would be able to clearly understand it in it's entirety. I followed Dr. Mark Canada's syllabus closely and found one phrase that particularly stood out from the rest "Knowledge confined to a single person's brain has limited use.  It is through sharing this knowledge that humans make progress in medicine, science and technology, politics, and every other human endeavor". I feel I have done my part by sharing my knowledge and gathering the knowledge of others. And I know with out a doubt that I have almost mastered the concepts of argumentative writing witch would grant me a "B" grade for this semester.

My page

    Throughout this semester I have gained an increasing knowledge of what a web page is composed of. I have also gained respect for how they can be used to save paper. I know for a fact that my web pages have save at least 25 sheets of paper, and if you multiply that by the number of students in any Composition II class. It adds up to a pretty substantial amount of paper. While doing my web page I got a little carried away and created several links to other areas of school that interest me and I think this would be a good opportunity to share them with you. The first link is to my psychology pages I also have several of my biology labs on the web. These extracurricular pieces of my web page make up only a small percent ot my total web page. the most significant portion is www.geocities.com/b1gcee  which is my home page. The majority of the time spent editing my home page was spent making sure that I didn't over do it. I didn't want to add to much and at the same time I didn't want to have to little. I wanted a balance of eye pleasing colors and at the same time I wanted to have a little fun. I think I came out with a pretty good balance.


  The research the I did to gather information for this project included the use of several tool that were unfamiliar to me in my past english class. And the help I received in the library from the librarians and from Dr. Canada allowed me to expand the recourses I thought I had. One new recourse I never used before was the inner library loan this tool allowed me to gather information that would have otherwise been unattainable. I also learned a few technical terms that are invaluable when you are doing research. i learned what primary and secondary sources are and how they are used to do research. A primary source is material that you gather from first hand experience for example, if some one lived in the 1890's an there was a major event that occurred in those years a primary source would have been written by someone who was there. A secondary source is something that is written about something that happened in the past but is written in the present. The main thing that I learned about doing research papers is that the more sources you have the better.

Help factor

    I gave one on one help to every person in my group who needed it. I did this to share the knowledge that I have of computers with my group members who were somewhat computer illiterate. In return my group members were more than happy to meet outside of class time in the library or just to stop by and share a book. This allowed My group to operate more smoothly and distribute the weight of our projects as evenly as possible, and for that I thank them.

The wrap up

    I have followed every format and guideline that Dr. Canada has set fourth in his class. Even though my writing style could use some improvement it is more than satisfactory. This is seen through my clear writing style and ability to gather useful and interesting research material. These abilities alone should not grant me the "B" grade but my ability to incorporate the research that I found into my paper in the new formats that Dr. Canada described gives me the right to declare a "B".1

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