Value Argument

By Carl R. Penny Jr. 
student at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke


     Benjamin Franklin has been called the first true American. This is due to his amazing life story, he lived what is now called the American dream. Franklin achieved this goal through hard work and determination he went from being part of the lower middle class to being admired the world over for his cunning political skills and keen scientific intellect. Although Franklin may not have been the first person to accomplish this difficult task. He was the first man to accomplish it and write about it.
     Franklin has also been called a role model by the majority of educators in America and his book is a factor in the curriculum of many schools. But there are some people who disagree strongly with this label that has been placed on Franklin. The early twentieth century writer D.H. Lawrence is one of those people. Lawrence's argument is that Franklin's autobiography focuses to heavily on the negative side of humanity. He also argues that Franklin professes his humility and is hippocriticly boastful about his achievements. The only flaw I can see is in D.H. Lawrence, in his one sided essay he fails to mention that Franklin's autobiography was not meant for the general public to read. It was meant for a few of his son, who thought it would benefit society as a whole if it were published.
     His essay also lacks the mention of Franklin's some of the more positive aspects of Franklin's life. Such as his strategic contributions to the War. Instead he bases his argument solely on the negative aspects. The key point I would like people to attain from my essay is that Franklin is only human and no matter how hard he tried to be perfect he would never reach his goal. The important thing is that he tried even though he realized that it might not be possible. It wasn't Franklin's 13 rules or the intimate details of his life that make him a role model. It is his seemingly innate ability to overcome adversity accompanied with the realization that being a better person starts with the way you treat others around you. This out look on life is what makes Franklin a role model.

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