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This wheel is manufactured by Logitech.
This is the wheel i use for playing my racing games and was the official wheel for Gran Turismo 3.
The wheel is really fun to use and adds realism to the game, it also has advanced force-feedback and can counter steer against you to simulate different terrains.
All of the usual controls which you would find on the controller are found on the wheel, but you will mostly select things by turning the wheel and pushing the pedals, NOTE, pedals are also supplied with the wheel (Accelerate and Brake)
When on a table the wheel isn't too secure because it is only fixed on to the table with 2 plastic clamps, but as long as you don't mistreat it, then it will be ample.
Some versions of the wheel also come supplied with a lap wrest


Great force feedback, but could have been supplied with lap rest





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