PC Bio:
Place of Birth:
Uguisu Yokocho(Lightingale Lane)
Date of Birth: 29th Feburary,1989
Live: New York
Hobbies: Soccer& basketball(he is the best player in his street), making new friends  and skateboarding.

In Spring, he loves to wear Renge-so(chinese milk vetch) and in Summer, he dreams about eating banana ice cream.
When he is a bit bored, he will put his headphone on and listen to his favourote songs.
He also love to take a walk, specially walking on his hind legs. But he sometimes trip over on his own feet(';')!, when it happens, his best friend, Choppi the mouse will always help him out.
Hello Kitty
Tare Panda
~Hello Kitty~
~Tare Panda~
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