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~ Friends ~

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Pic coming soon..


Also known as Scara or Metal Bunnie. Sarah is Josie logest friend as far as i know. Is a very loyal friend and if somethings wrong like her long time friend will usually try to fix the problem. Metal hopes to become a professional photographer and is very talented in that field of expertese.


Also known as Bilbo. He is partner to Sarah and has the energy of a kid constantly on the move it would be near enough impossible to keep track of him if it werent for his mobile.. hes strongly into guitars and loves playing computer games and listening to music...


Also known as Skittles and a Prep according to Andrew. She is an excellent friend despite living a couple of hundred miles away from the majority of us. She has always been known to some of us as a Tease and has a good kowledge of music, she also hates posers.

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