ABC Scrapbook Program II
12x12 templates     $4.95 each

1900  Close To My Heart Sampler 1
1901  Close To My Heart Sampler 2
1902  Close To My Heart Calendar
1903   Close To My Heart Collage
1904   Close To My Heart Granny's Quilt

Close To My Heart
12x12 Page Stencils  $4.95 eaach
1846  line by line
1844  Milky Way
1845  Heart's Desire
1843  Victorian Lines
1842  Catch a Wave

Close To My Heart
8 1/2 x 11 Page Stencils  $3.95 each
1812  Large Stripes
1816 Large Squares
1813  Small Stripes
1814  Large Dots
1815  Small Dots

Close To My Heart
Alphabet Stencils   $5.95 each
1821  Alphabet stencils
1822  Ol' calhoon stencils
1823  zoom stencils
1825  Dream Talk Stencils

Scrapbook Stencils
1803  Circles  $2.75
1804  Squares  $2.75
1805  Ovals      $2.75
1826   Banners  $2.95
1841   Captions & Blurbs  $2.95
1840  Clould   $2.95
1811  Large Ovals  $2.75

1810  Large Rectangles  $2.75
Z599  Open Frame  $1.75
Z600  Oval Flower Frame  $1.75
Z598   Checkerboard Frame  $1.75

Z726  Sponge Daubers     $3.25
Z616  Rubber Brayer       $10.95
1817   Sponge Brayer       $4.95
1818   Sponge Brayer Refill $ 2.95

Close To My Heart      , D.O.T.S.     , Dozens of Terrific Stamps     , ABC Scrapbook Program      and all other trademarks are owned by the JRL Design Co. 
Referral Line 1-888-655-6552.  Graphics on this web site are not representative of JRL Design Co. 
Design & Layouts by Bambi Brunkow,  Independent Consultant, (unless otherwise noted).
No Portion of this website may be copied or redistributed without prior written permission.  All rights reserved.  Copyright     2002.
Close To My Heart      , D.O.T.S.     , Dozens of Terrific Stamps     , ABC Scrapbook Program      and all other trademarks are owned by the JRL Design Co. 
Referral Line 1-888-655-6552.  Graphics on this web site are not representative of JRL Design Co. 
Design & Layouts by Bambi Brunkow,  Independent Consultant, (unless otherwise noted).
No Portion of this website may be copied or redistributed without prior written permission.  All rights reserved.  Copyright     2002.
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