Ph: 26196600, 26107082, Email: [email protected]


May 31, 2007

Dear Resident,

                             As you are aware our new Residents Directory is being printed shortly. I had sent every resident one Advt Form with a request to get at least one advertisement in the Directory. I am glad to say that some residents have responded positively. I specially appeal to residents who are in business or in service holding good positions in private & Govt organizations to come forward & help in more than one Ad.

             There are some influential persons in our colony who can bring in a large number of Ads even with a very small effort. I appeal to them to help in Ads. We have a very good team of office bearers who are ever ready to contribute their time for the betterment of our Colony, but we do not have enough money to implement some of our good schemes. The Association merely collects about Rs 25,000/month from subscription, out of which about Rs 24, 000 is spent on salaries to Chowkidars. Some people do not pay the monthly subscription of Rs 150/ & some have never paid. The Association is just living from hand to mouth. The only time the Association can raise money for its schemes is through Ads in the Directory. Therefore, now is time for the Residents to contribute something. Let us JUST DO IT.

                          I appeal to all residents once again to make an all-concerted effort to get more Ads for the Directory. The time left is short. Kindly ask for extra Advt Forms from me or any of the office bearers, whose phones & addresses are given below. Also some forms are being kept with the Chowkidar at the Entrance Gate also.

                           The next meeting of the Executive Committee(EC) is being held on Thursday, the 7th June. I am sure that you all will exert your maximum efforts & send us a handsome amount of cheques before the meeting date. Your solid backing will enthuse the EC to give in their very best. The first three persons who bring maximum contribution amounts will be duly honoured in a Function in which the Directory will be released. List of our Executive Members is given below:

                                     Amarjit Singh Kohli( B-4/120 FF, 26196600)  *Arjun Kampani (B-4/110 SF 26184790)  * Aroon Sen (B-4/150/3 FF, 46026099)  * Lt Col JS Oberoi(B-4/138 FF, 41652724)  * NS Bhatnagar (B-4/150/1 FF, 26107968)  *Pankaj Kalra (B-4/127 GF, 26100649), Prashant Tiwary or Mrs Rachna Tiwari (B-4/150/2, SF, 26109267)  *RS Bhatia (B-4/114 FF, 26171457)  * SN Bhalla (B-4/102/2, 26103263), Subodh Srivastava (B-4/132/2, 26167952)

                 I have created a simple website http://www.geocities.com/b4sewa/index.htm on which the list of compiled addresses & phones of residents have been uploaded. This website is merely a Notice Board on which circulars & some links to useful websites have been given. I request everyone to visit this website & check whether the details of their phones as listed etc are correct, as this very list will be sent for printing on 15th June, 2007. Please point out corrections latest by 13th June preferably by email at [email protected]. Very few residents have given their email. I request those who do not have their own email IDs to give either their office emails or their children emails or their neighbour’s email. We want to correspond with every resident through emails in future, as it is not only cheaper but also quicker & more inter-active.


Amarjit Singh Kohli



(Chief Executive)

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