The annual General Body Meeting of the B4 Block Residents Welfare Association was held on Sunday, the 29th April 2007, which was presided over by Shri Aroon Sen, President of RWA and was attended by the  Residents of the area. 


President welcomed the Members and requested all members to observe two minutes silence before starting the normal proceedings, in memory of those whom the RWA had lost during the course of the year, as follows:-

            1.         Sardar Kaviraj Singh                r/o        B4-114  SJ E  expd on 18\05\2006

            2.         Smt Kulwant Kaur                    r/o        B4-91/2                on 28\08\2006

3.         Shri R R Bareja                        r/o        B4-137                 on 28\10\2006

            4.         Shri Sundar, Whl Brw Sweeper of this RWA                      on 18\01\2007 

Members were informed that Shri Sundar was employed with the RWA for a very long time, and on his death, his family was assisted to collect about Rs.10,000 from member/ residents for his cremation and also to perform his last rites.


            The President then presented a brief resume of the activities undertaken by the RWA during the preceding year, which were more or less of a routine nature. He highlighted some specific issues, which need to be addressed by the RWA, some of them are:



He informed the participants that the Kotak Mohindra Banks are keen to develop their relationship with the residents/ members of the RWA, and as such they had put up a stall to distribute literature about their activities and would also host the refreshment after the GB meeting, which the RWA thankfully acknowledged. 


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The annual statements of accounts were also presented for Members’ perusal and adoption.

Finally, on behalf of the entire EC, President thanked the residents/ members of RWA for their cooperation in smooth running of the association. He expressed his personal thanks to each EC member for their continued support, advice and guidance in his day-to-day working. He expressed a special thank for Shri Anil Thapar who had helped the RWA out of the way in preparing monthly accounts as also annual statements of accounts. 

The meeting was then thrown open for discussion.

In response to a query about FD investment, it was clarified that due care had been taken to put three FDs, total amounting to Rs.2,40,000, in the same bank i.e Central Bank of India at 9.25% p.a, the best rate of interest available there, since changing bank account was not feasible as our RWA was not registered. It was desired that henceforth annual statements of accounts should be circulated alongwith the notice for the GB meeting, which was noted for future compliance.

The annual accounts were then adopted unanimously.


Members presented their viewpoints on various issues for consideration by the GB and for suitable remedial action in due course of time; these were:

1.      Reviving the proposal to DDA to consider for a Community Center on the plot beside B4-156; meanwhile a gate could be fixed so as to clean the plot against mosquito breeding.

2.      Laying of bricks of interlocking tiles on the backlane of DDA flats.

3.      Installation of Speed breakers at various points to check speedy traffic.

4.      Proposal for Gas pipeline in our locality should be expedited.

5.      Non-members to be persuaded for membership of RWA.

6.      The Parks could be beautified but a portion at each park to be allocated for children to play.

7.      Security gates (No:3, 4 & 5) to be opened for longer periods.

8.      Segregation of Bio-degradable and Non-bio-degradable wastes.

9.      Grown-up children playing at parks till late night and thereby shouting, abusing and screaming should be discouraged as it is not only disturbing to the nearby residents but also cause severe dust pollution; Park-use timings also need  to be fixed.

10.  Most of the children playing in the parks are children of resident/ members.

11.  Switching on and off of Park-lights should be regulated; it should be switched off latest by 10 p.m. as otherwise it is a wastage of electric energy.

12.  Cleaning of SWDs against mosquito should be initiated early.

13.  Installation of Hand-pump for emergency water requirements.

14.  Commercial activities, especially Motor garage and Gym, inside the locality should not be allowed; it causes parking problem as also a security hazard.

15.  Playing of music at high volume during odd hours should not be allowed.


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Members were assured that all these points/ suggestions would be considered by the new EC for suitable remedial action as feasible.


            The last point regarding Election of office bearers was then taken up for consideration:


            Shri R S Bhatia, a senior resident and past President of RWA, was requested to act as Election Officer and conduct the election process.


At this stage, a suggestion was mooted that this time we should elect only one person as President, who would elect his own team, which would have a better coordination and cohesiveness. All other members would be EC members in the committee, without any senior or junior. After detail deliberation, it was improved that President to be designated as Chief Executive and his team members would be Executives, handling various responsibilities. The suggestion was placed before the GB, which was accepted unanimously. Accordingly, the Election Officer invited nominations for Chief Executive.


Shri Sobti proposed the name of Shri Amarjit Singh Kohli which was duly seconded by Shri Tiwari, Shri Khurana and others. In the absence of any other nominations, Shri Kohli was declared elected as Chief Executive for the year 2007 unanimously.


Shri Kohli while accepting the new assignment, desired that he be given a free hand to constitute the team of his own choice, which was agreed to by all members with one voice.


It was also suggested that in view of such warm weather during this time, in future we should follow ‘calendar year’ as our accounting year, which was also approved by the GB unanimously. Accordingly, the current year of RWA would close on 31.12.2007 and the next GB meeting would be held in January 2008 to transact its routine business.


            Meeting then ended with vote of thanks to the chair, followed by light refreshments.






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