To be as objective as possible in the use of Vitamin b5 for acne your help in filling out the forms below is appreciated.  Your entries will be collated and posted on this page, to allow potential b5 users to learn more about individual experiences with b5.  Thanks in advance for your co-operation.
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16 days of b5 treatment
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: Australia
Acne Type: Moderate/Severe Acne
Length of b5 therapy: 3 - 4months
Time until noticeable results: 1 week
Has b5 decreased oil production: Yes
Overall Improvement: 90% - 100%
Daily Dosage: 10gms
Brand and Potency: Nature's Own 500mg
Side Effects: Nil
100 days of b5 treatment
Right Side 130days (mostly clear)
Comments: b5 has been a remarkable treatment for my acne.  The results really do speak (or see) for themselves.  I am constantly amazed at what b5 has done and continues to do to my acne.  I anticipate a time in the near future when I will be 100% clear.
View my online diary here
Satisfaction Rating:  Very Satisfied

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Age: 23
Gender: Female
Country: VA USA
Acne Type: Mild
Length of b5 therapy: 4 - 6 months
Other treatments tried: Benzoyl Peroxide, Proactiv, Fish Oil, Other Vitamin Supplements, DHC Deep Cleansing Oil for Blackheads, Tea Tree Oil for spot treatment, jojoba oil for moisturiser.
Time until noticeable results: 5 - 6 weeks
Has b5 decreased oil production: Yes
Daily Dosage: 10gms
Brand and Potency: Solgar 500mg, GNC 250mg
Side Effects: Diarrhea:  It was very bad in the beginning, I had to literally run to the bathroom 3-4 times a day.  It got better when I started to take the pills with meals.  [This is an important point to make....Ed] Headache, stomach discomfort, extreme hunger, delayed menstrual period.
Comments:  B5 cleared me by about 90 - 95%.  I am now megadosing fish oil, after 5 months on b5.  Fish oil is working as wonderfully as b5 for me, but without side effects.  For those willing to give b5 a go, the one thing I would like to emphasize is GIVE IT TIME!  I didn't see any reduction in oil until about 5 to 6 weeks.  Give some time...and remember to take pills with meals to prevent side effects.
Satisfaction Rating: Satisfied
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Age: 24
Gender: Male
Country: New Zealand
Email private
Acne Type: Moderate
Length of b5 therapy: 3 - 4 months
Other treatments tried:  Accutane, Benzoyl Peroxide
Time until noticeable results: Right after the initial breakout at about week 7
Has b5 decreased oil production: Yes
Daily Dosage: 10gms
Brand and Potency: Nature's Own 500mg
Side Effects: Zero side-effects.
Comments: B5 has basically cleared my skin totally.  I now just get the occasional spot here and there which is no big deal.  THANK YOU B5 AND Dr. LEUNG!
Satisfaction Rating: Very Satisified
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