Defencive Moves
Bukujutsu: You fly to dodge the attack you do not get and attack back. Nothing

Backward Sommersault: You do a backward sommersault to doge physical attacks. Nothing

Block: You block and incoming attack it takes off  25% of a energy attack and 50% of a physical attack. Needs Ki 500

Instant Translocation: You put two fingers on your head chose a place to go and go there. You can only visit planets you have all ready been to. Needs Yardrat Training

Time Freeze: You freeze time which allows you to attack the enemy. Lasts for 3 turns. Needs 3,000,000 SP and PL. Can only be learnt by Nameks and Demons

Hypnosis: You hypnos the enemy which leaves them vunrable for 4 turns. King Kai training.

Zanzoken: You dodge so fast you leave an after image. You get to attack once after using Zanzoken. Needs 25,000 SP
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