Earth Dragonball Wishes : 2 wishes ( 4 days to search for 1 dragonball 3 if have a dragonball radar )
> You may wish to
> Have 100,000 more on each stats
> Have 10 people revived
> 5 moves must fit requiments
> 1 move from your race and 2 from another
> 3 items no more than �50,000
> Your team to be moved from a planet
> For 2 people to be dead for 2 weeks
> Regrow your tail if it was cut off
> Have �60,000
> All wishes must go through me.

Namek Dragonball Wishes : 3 wishes ( 5 days to search for 1 dragonball 4 if have a radar )
> You may wish to
> Have 125,000 more on each stats
> Have 10 people revived
> 3 moves from you race must fit requiments
> 2 moves from your race and 3 from another
> 4 items no more than �65,000
> You move your teams base as well as the team
> For three people to die for 1 week
> Regrow your tail and get a stat bonus of 50%
> Have �75,000
> All wishes must go through me.

Dark Star Dragonball Wishes : 1 wish ( 7 days to search for 1 dragonball 5 if have a radar )
> You may wish to
> Have 200,000 more on each stats
> Have 15 people revived
> 5 moves from your race.
> 3 moves from your race and a move from each other race. Must fit requiments.
> 6 items.
> Move planet.
> For 5 people to die for 3 weeks
> Regrow 3 peoples tail.
> Have �100,000
> all wishes have to go through me.
Earth Dragonball Owners
1 On Earth
2 On Earth
3 On Earth
4 On Earth
5 On Earth
6 On Earth
7 On Earth
Namek Dragonball Owners
1 Bardock
2 Bardock
3 Bardock
4 Captain Ginyu
5 Captain Ginyu
6 Captain Ginyu
7 Captain Ginyu
Dark Star Dragonball Owners
1 On Earth
2 On Namek
3 On Vegeta
4 On Meat
5 On Yardrat
6 On Plant
7 Neo~Vegeta
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