Physical Attacks
Punch combo: Everyone starts of with this. Nothing. Damage 10% of Ki

Kick combo: Everyone starts of with this. Nothing. Damage 10% of Ki

Dynamite Kick: A kick. Nothing. Damage 15% of Ki

Hasshuken: You move you hands so fast it looks like a figure of 8. Nothing. Damage 25% of Ki

Jan-Ken Punch: You punch 3 different ways impossible to block. 500 Ki needed. Damage 50% of Ki.

Kyoken: You act like a mad dog fly behind them and knock them out for 2 turns.Ki needed 1,500. Must know Bukujutsu. Damage koed for 2 turns

Rolling Satan punch. A normal punch. Nothing. Damage 15% of Ki

Rakume Kick: A charging kick. Needs 2,000 Ki. Damage 25% of Pl

Rakume punch attack: A variaty of punches. Needs 1,500 Ki. Damage 20% of Pl.

Suiken: The person acts drunk and attacks the enemy while their attack is down. Needs 1,000 Ki. Damage 50% of Ki

Stunner Punch: You stun the enemy for 3 turns. Needs nothing

X attack: You jump itno the air charge down with your arms in an 'X' and hit the oponnent with all your might. Needs 4,500 Ki. Damage 75% of Ki

Sword Attacks
Must have sword

Slice: You slice you opponent with your sword. Need sword and Sp 15,000. Damage 50% of Pl

Ultra Slash: You Zanzoken in front of the opponent and slash them twice causing them to explode. Needs 2 turns charging. Need sword and must know Zanzoken. Damage 75% of Pl.
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