1ST BATTALION 8TH CAVALRY INFORMATION OFFICE FIRST BATTALION EIGHTH CAVALRY BATTALION HISTORY 1 JANUARY 1968 - 31 DECEMBER 1968........ With the close of operation PERSHING and the beginning of the new year, 1st Battalion 8th Cavalry, as part of the 1st Brigade 1st Air Cavalry Division, was to begin a series of operations for the year 1968. These operations were to include JED STUART II, DELAWARE, JED STUART III, COMMANCHE FALLS TAN THANG and NAVAHO HORSE. Departing LZ English utilizing 17 sorties of C-130's and land-sea transportation, the "Jumping Mustangs" closed in full force at their destination LZ Betty, in Quang Tri Province on 30 January 1968 to begin OPERATION JEB STUART II . 0n 16-17 February 1968 the "Skytroopers" made their first major contact with the enemy. Company B engaged in heavy fighting with the NVA's 883rd Regiment and the 324 B Division in the vicinity of Quang Tri City. Receiving only light casualties the men of the 1st Battalion 8th Cavalry accounted for 29 NVA-KIA's ,4 AK-47's , 3 SKS rifles and 1 RPG destroyed. For the remainder of February and part of March the 1st Battalion 8th Cavalry conducted search and clear missions which accounted for 10 thousand pounds of rice , 8 NVA- KIA, 6 small arms weapons, 5 B40 rockets, 19 grenades, and 150 small arms rounds. Hard fighting continued for the men of the "Honor and Courage" Battalion. On 25 March 1968 Company A air-assaulted into two separate LZ 's North and South of THON XUAN DUONG hamlets. Upon landing the men met with heavy resistance however within fifteen minutes 3rd platoon reported sporadic fire being received and 2nd and 4th platoons reported receiving heavy fire from all directions. Company D was immediately airlifted to join Company A. Company C who was operating in the area earlier, moved by foot to provide blocking force. Both Companies A and D, coordinated two assaults with the help of aerial rocket artillery ( ARA) and ground artillery. Both attempts failed because of heavy enemy fire. During the night the enemy ran. A search of the area the next morning revealed 66 NVA-KIA, 6 NVA- POW'S, 6 small arms captured 1 Rpg captured.

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