DKP Listings
<New Enemy Conquest>
Interested in Joining?

To distribute loot in our guild we use a backbone DKP system. To find out how it works and if you are already a member, your point totals click


Welcome to the website of the Dentarg guild <New Enemy Conquest>

We are a horde guild focused on striving in PvE content. For more information about us please visit the rest of our website's links.

If you are interested in joining our guild fill out an application Here
Raid Information and News - By Mandia

Welcome to New Enemy Conquest

Firemaw Downed! Onward to Ebonroc!

It's been a long month since we entered BWL for the first time as a horde guild and we have made considerable progress, destroying the first four bosses already including Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer and Firemaw. Nefarian will follow soon enough. Keep up the good work!


About the Guild - By Trilogg

Welcome to New Enemy Conquest. We are a quiet and humble guild looking at end game content for fun. We have been a high end gaming guild and somewhat elitest on Bloodscalp and we left alot of the elitism behind us. The people that have come to Dentarg as NEC are purely here for fun and end game. The people that really enjoy playing with each other and getting things done are what really matters to us. We dont complain about loot, we dont have a lot of drama although there is some but not much. We have structured things differently than what we have done to ensure that more people are capable of improving themselves and the guild. The officers are far less stressed than before due to the way roles are structured so that the entire stress of the guild is not on one person "mainly me". Class Leaders are used to help people while leveling up and entering 40 man raid content to ensure their job functions as a class are known to the entire class. If you are interested in joining this type of atmosphere please contact anyone in NEC in game and leave your application on our forums.

As far as handling gear in the 40 Man content we use a backbone of the DKP system in case there are any disputes or favoritism. But most loot is handled by the classes discussing in their appropriate channels and so far there have been no disputes gear is going through the classes evenly and most people are content with the way things are handled. But like I said if there are disputes DKP is used and top points win.

If any member or potential member has any questions please contact Trilogg or any of the officers in game.

I will also add that we are not a Paid Transfer Guild. We have been on Dentarg since about the 18th day of opening and leveled all of our characters up from Level 1

-Trilogg, Guild Master of New Enemy Conquest

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