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Errachidia in black and white

Idea: Elyazidi Abdelouahed


          The beauty of the clothes people in Errachidia wear is part of the beauty of the region as a whole. This beauty is seen in terms of two colours black and white

          The region is famous for the black veils the women in the region wear when they go out. Those veils are black or white and their names depend on the part of the region where you are. “L’hayk” is its name in some eastern parts of Errachidia and this one is usually white. When it is black, it is called “Lagnaa” in some places, and it is also called "L'Izar". Once it is decorated with some colourful symbols, it changes its name into "Tahrouyt" in some other places. Women also wear special clothes particularly in parties and ceremonies. The famous “Kaftane” and "Takchita" are some sort of blouses but typically Moroccan.

          As for men, they usually wear the "Jallaba" which can be divided into two kinds. The woollen one that men wear during the winter and this is normally of different warm colours. The summer Jellaba is the well-known white one with the hood; and there’s also "Laabaya" which is an extra large dress (generally white) that helps ventilating the body under the heat of the burning summer sun. The men also wear special sandals made locally of local materials, or in special occasions like on Fridays or "Al-Aide", they wear the "Belgha" to go to Mosque.

          Apart from these traditional clothes some young people prefer to wear jeans, shirts, Jackets and shoes or trainers because they are modern and more practical. Despite all, the clothes in Errachidia are very special just like everything in this region.

Reviewed and adapted by Mr. Abdessalami
Academic Year 2004 - 2005

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