Emigrants or Immigrants?

Here or there, the situation is almost the same

By Elouardi Mountassir     (2ème Bac. Sc. Ex.)


         Emigration is the state of leaving one’s place, residence or country to live else where for one of a variety of reasons. It has become a widespread phenomenon nowadays particularly in underdeveloped countries. But why do people emigrate? Do they get the better life they dreamt of in the host countries? And what solutions could be afforded to put an end to this phenomenon?.

         Obviously people won’t emigrate unless they are forced to do so. And it is usually due to such reasons as economic, political or religious ones to name only a few. Firstly, the economic reason is the most prevailing nowadays. Many people in underdeveloped countries suffer from unemployment, poverty, Hunger and so on. Secondly, political reasons are also a major cause. No freedom of expression means insecurity. That is to say when people are imprisoned for their ideas and convictions they prefer to quit. Worst of all is when people are deprived from their basic rights and are very often persecuted. Last but not least, the religious reason constitutes another drive towards emigration. It is uncomfortable for a man to live without practicing his religious ritual freely. When there is no freedom for worship and people are oppressed because of their religious personal beliefs, they choose to look for a secure place where they can perform their prayers safely and without restraint.

         On the other hand, these immigrants are not really welcomed in the host countries. They face as many problems as those which pushed them to emigrate. Not only are they exploited, but also their rights are violated because they are always considered “strangers”. In addition to that they live in very hard conditions in shanty towns like animals enduring bad housing, ignorance and diseases. Most importantly then is the fact that they are subject to xenophobia, discrimination and racism despite the wretched marginalized life they lead in the country which is supposed to be the ideal paradise or refuge.

         Because of this double complicated situation, these people endure both in their own countries and in the host countries, an urgent solution becomes pressing. The educational system should be accessible and should cope with the needs of the labor market. Besides this, Employment opportunities for the young should be provided in the country of origin through creating and encouraging new jobs. In a word mentalities should change towards more partisanship and patriotism. My final word is that migration is becoming more and more alarming and many people are unstable both in their own countries and in the host ones. Therefore the matter should be looked into without delay but seriously.

Supervised by Mr. Abdessalami

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[Academic year 2006 / 2007]


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