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Darlene's Personal Home Page
Darlene Cruz
Status Married
Orientation Straight
Hometown Sinajana, Guam
Religion Catholic
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Education Post Grad

My name is Darlene Cruz and I am a mother of my two wonderful precious children and A wife to a loving husband. My son Robert, is 7 years old, and is A first grader at C.L.Taitano Elementary school. My daughter's name is Robin and is 5 years old, and will be attending C.L.Taitano as a kindergartener this upcoming August. My husband and I are also part-time students at Guam Community College.

As A family Hobbie, My family and I go hiking around Guam every Sunday. It is A great way to spend time with each other, as well as, staying in good health. My children are also active in football. My son is A football player for the Island Eagles and my daughter is A cheerleader for the team.

My family and I are also big in recycling at home and in public. My extended family also help and volunteer for the Marine Mania at the George Washington H.S. You can find out more information by clicking on the link. click on the link to go tohttp://pipl.com/directory/people/Linda/Tatreau

My precious little one. Robin Rose

My family and I during our Hikes.

My two little goof balls.

My handsome Football Player

Robert's b-day at ChuckECheese's

My kiddies enjoying the coconut race game at GCC

You may also find out more about me and my interest by clicking on the two following links below.

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