Bales Law

Hello, I am Barbara Bales. About

A potentially great woman perpetually behind the 8

Myth and Other Poems Please buy my first published book...thank you

The unkindest cut of all - read my daughter's eulogy

The current mood of at "No doubt I shall go on writing, stumbling across tundras of unmeaning,planting words like bloody flags in my wake. Loose ends, things unrelated, shifts, nightmare journeys, cities arrived at and left, meetings, desertions, betrayals, all manner of unions, adulteries, triumphs, defeats...these are the facts." Alexander Trocchi

Entries from my diary

How I feel about poetry

"Poetry redeems from decay the visitations of the divinity in man." Percy Bysse Shelley,A Defence of Poetry


"Love can cost a lot but not loving always costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy of life." Merle Shan

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My son and his family

Rory's Important book

three sons, 2 grandsons: the bald brigade 5-17-00

My daughter with her nephew

Poems by Jesse Menn

Bumper Stickers and sundry law - A quote from Oscar Wilde

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Copyright information: The works within these pages are protected under The CopyRight Laws Of The United States Of America. Use of any works within without expressed permission from the author is in direct violation of those laws and guarantees prosecution within the parameters of those laws as well as Bad Karma. CopyRight is held by Barbara Bales unless otherwise noted All CopyRight To Works Within Renewed 2009

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