Jan. 8, 1976

My little boy came on December 30th, more beautiful than I'd hoped for. We've been home together for a week now and I know I am really fortunate to have such a good and healthy baby. He's even the sex I wanted! He has a perfect face with a small cleft chin and a big Bales nose, and his eyes are deep baby blue right now, they look all around but I don't know what he sees. His name is John Dean and I call him Johnny or Pooper or honey or baby or any other endearment that comes to mind. It seems so long ago that I was pregnant and I can hardly recall the feelings those last few weeks, the impatience I felt. When he finally came, his presence just erased all of the discomfort. He is so beautiful that I want everyone to see him and I am so filled with pride at his beauty. Everyone says he looks just like a little boy. He's a good baby too. He only cries when he's hungry and grumps a little during his bath. Only frustrating is his habit of falling asleep while feeding, that he's getting over that now. I hold him close and nurse him and he is so warm and soft and I love him dearly. I hold him over my shoulder to burp and feel his fuzzy hair against my cheek and I love him. I suppose I will have to be careful not to spoil him because my greatest joy its holding him close and letting him feel my love, and letting him know that he has me as much if not more than I have him.

1971-2004 © barbara bales all rights reserved

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