May, 1999 Court appearance
05-07-99...quotes gathered at the Beverly Hills Library while waiting for the Court to resume after their lunch…

  • "There’s no such thing as justice – in or out of court."

  • -Clarence Darrow

    "Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law."

    -Oliver Goldsmith

    "Through tatter’d clothes small vices do appear;

    Robes and furr’d gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold,

    And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks;

    Arm it in rags, a pigmy’s straw does pierce it."

    -William Shakespeare

    "The mounful truth is ev’rywhere confess’d –

    Slow rises worth, by poverty depress’d."

    -Mishima Yukio

    "The millions who are poor in the U.S. tend to become increasingly invisible….It takes an effort of the intellect and will even to see them."

    -Michael Harrington

    "For without money, George, A man is but a beast: But bringing money, thou shalt be Always my welcome guest."

    -George Barnwell

    I am in the Beverly Hills Courthouse again. I have a check for $810 in my purse from ----. Bless
    him. And be aware that he has agreed to extend himself for me because I am worth that much to him.

    Much much calmer this time around: because although the attorney said, "It’s all over," the last
    time I stood there crying, I knew better. I knew that $810 was the same as $810,000 – it was
    that far from my reach.

    I am imagining now going to Inglewood and getting that part adjudicated. Request moving the case to this court, for instance. IN FACT: ASK PD if possible…if possible then a light would
    be visible even in that tunnel.

    But what I was daydreaming was presenting the FTB proof of my $300 payment –while
    mentioning, "Apparently you accept partial payments from the Franchise Tax Board, though you would not take $300 from me when I tried to pay that."

    I have not provided for Rory in the event that I am jailed.

    I do not know when I could pay even more…
    Paid (by me, ----, gonman) $40 A pink piece of paper
    $300 Inglewood...And $1448 min. more…
    $1684 Torrance fines
    $869 impound
    $852 classes
    $810 Beverly Hills fine...And $262 for not showing up....

    And how much time lost from work? Since it takes up to two and one-half hours to get there. Get a ride when I can, otherwise take the bus. My arm hurts already since I take so much work home…since it is Friday, even more.

    Now inside the room. A very severe looking young prosecutor would no doubt like to send me up the river.

    (please don’t let her! don’t let her! here’s the money [better late than never?])

    Getting scared. Do not cry. Enough crying. Though dignity is a stranger today. Almost every
    day any more…Christ the walk from Imperial is going to be a big-time, MEGA drag. And
    there’s only four hours left until 6:00. Gotta be there for Rory at 6:00.

    In spite of the money in my purse my mind keeps going to jail, going to jail…being a dog
    instead of a person, in the hallway and that horrible drill, and crying all the time I was awake –
    sleeping like a corpse otherwise. And what Brok was doing to me while I suffered like a dog in
    that hell. And the amazing flashing RAGE at Lifer's ignorant Unfunny joke.

    And the reason I was there for five days. The TRUE reason. The sense of being hog-tied, then ordered to jump through hoops. The crime of poverty. A circa 1997 debtor’s prison. Too shy to
    pee in company and suddenly anything remotely like privacy was gone. Those first moments of petrified disbelief before I really acknowledged the rality.

    I have screwed up and cannot offer much in the way of excuses. Poverty and Cannot
    drive…finished my court-ordered classes, paid approx $1500 in fines and $900 more in class

    Income: $12.60/hr (and my hours have gone down, due to ­ travel time, so I make less now than when the fines were assessed)
    Expenses $600 /mo Rent
    $370 to $570 /mo Child Care
    Phone Cable Transportation (cab, bus, train, friends)
    Groceries Laundry Clothing

    His 7th birthday is 05-17-99 and he has just about outgrown the clothes I got him in September…

    All the crap with Gonman: immaterial, really, and historical today. Today I have a steady job and a purpose, a
    reason to make this crap RIGHT.
    My attorney is not showing. Either is the judge in fact. I am the ONLY person waiting to see the
    judge and consult the lawyer. I guess she forgot talking to me yesterday and did not recognize
    me earlier. She is so busy after all. And because I am seriously late showing up here myself,
    no complaints will issue from my mouth.

    Unless he jails me. Please don’t let him jail me! Suddenly the queasiness in my stomach. The

    a Poem My 40th birthday

    poems.........- The last refuge of the malcontent.
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    October 1999 entry August 22, 2001 - after my daughter died

    the money, or some of it, in a spreadsheet...with my feelings about what went on

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