What falls away is always. And is near. ? Theodore Roethke, "The Waking"

A Prayer of Bekah
dedicated to those who mourn her especially the young ones, from her mother

She's the one. The one too much for many men; the one too beautiful to remain. If she will never get old it is only this time around. Know it by the glow of her soul and the joy that surrounds her.
Looking at great nature feel her.
Do not deny it: you will always love her. If that is true so indeed must Bekah love as long.
Open up turn off the noise receive her. Believe in her because she knows all about you.
She accepts you and she loves you just the same.
Evil knocked her off of this mortal plane and she'll decide if she wants to be here again - as a person that is as opposed to the angel that she was and is.
That she was an angel already most of us could see even before she was taken away so unjustly, so prematurely.
Mortal or not is a result of incarnation and Bekah's soul is where her love originates.
Through how many realities that turn time upside down and inside out does Bekah be?
Not every question can be answered. It is a provident peace that allows that to be. Just simply to be, feel her.
We have been blessed in our little lives. We were allowed to be fountains of the love that nourished her.
As young as she was she takes eternity gracefully with that gorgeous smile.
Be calm, have peace, go justice, dance, be wild.
Remember love is always mild and sweet no matter how rough and mean reality.
Love sustains us through pain so we can emerge to love always and always again.
And again and still.
You can be happy work toward happiness. What you expect may not be what you get. What you think you want may not be what you want. What you need you will receive if you allow what is to be.

Serenity. Bekah. Beauty. Love.

Any grief, any mourning should not be what defines us.
There is something to be learned in nearly every second that we breathe.
When we stop breathing we begin to learn the rest.
Time is relative and probably non-existent over there where Bekah teaches and studies. If and when she returns to this place the body of wisdom available to her will still be greater than any single soul.
What causes great nature is inscrutable. Human nature tries to break it down.

Respect. Awe. Acceptance.

Bekah is dead now that is the way we describe her.
Love her anyhow; she loves you.
One hundred years is an instant and one minute is forever. The minute you shared love with her lasts for eternity.
And share your love generously. If you try to hoard it, if you refuse to give it freely it is squandered.
Love is both a human thing and a soul thing.
Bekah loved humanly and soulfully and she keeps love flowing between herself and her collection of loved ones so very many, still growing.
Step up to that infinite bounty continue loving Bekah too.
Never forget she loves you


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