King Solomon: Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as indignant as those who are.

Thanks to Coleen, Lena's mom, who made this animation of Bekah. Meet Lena another victim of vehicular homicide

The current mood of at


Bekah, Someday

Someday I will fill the silence
Your absent voice inhabits
Someday I will share your lost laugh
And fly with you upon it.

Thrust early and unwillingly toward
Every true issue, forcing my way
To nether worlds away

From the terrible quiet
Where your noises used to be.
Cleaving to remembered sneezes,
Filling up on your choice of words,

I am an engine breaking down
At too many corners.

Knowing too well
The emptiness in the street,
Your even breathing during sleep
A vacuum now, an avenue.

Must I apologize when I admit
I crave your white light Bekah?

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