
"Patience is a remedy for every sorrow." - Publilius Syrus
It was late the next morning
Before you got here
Welcomed by weary parents
Caught by Dr. Schecter,

A girl. Your love settled over us
Hearts' inhabitant moving into our souls.
Our love enveloped you provident, ample
To sustain you until you got old.

Twenty-one is just full-grown.
Loving life in the bourne of your growing
Summer night still early who could know
Run over, light smited, life stolen.

Our souls chase your soul. Anguished
Hindsight drives us to discipline:
Don?t you dare to step off of that curb,
Not before we can walk you across.

Souls panicked grasp after your hand.
Can you imagine what just almost happened?
Daughter! Oh. Oh. It happened...
No. But it did happen. It was our daughter.

Your delighted expressions remain after you.
You are twenty-one, just grown, just always
Murdered away from all your tomorrows and all your todays.
Be patient as our souls loiter close to the solace of your yesterdays.

© Barbara Bales 2001-2002 all rights reserved

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