Half & Half

Half & Half

I drift more than I walk these days
Though it was months until I realized
I had indeed passed with you
Of late I am more apt to appear in any given locale
Than I am to arrive within a frame of time
Logical to living people,

Because I drift more than I drive, too.
I am ethereal girl; I am with you.
Living folks find me frightening - possibly contagious
They say they did not bury me. They say
I am still alive. What do they know? Just one
Maybe two months ago by their calendar

I danced up to a mirror stating this "fact" to
myself. I held you; you smiled; we both shined
back at me...when awake again I realized that
you and I were the only two souls who recognized
each other. Also the only souls at the "party"
Who smiled, hugged, danced. Girl we were living.

So which is it? If I am dead why
Are my bones above the ground? If you are alive
Why are yours below? Let us name this
Other, non, could it be, "PLACE," Let's you and I
Record our present address. It is Half & Half
Is where it is.

Not quite alive
Not fully dead. At a halfway house
in Half & Half we dance & laugh
And see ourselves in mirrors. Not especially
Clearly, true, but how hard can it be
For even a mortal or even a ghost to see

That my girl and me, We drifted
We died to get there. Give it up,
High fives, Half fives?
In the halfway house in Half & Half
We are both very nearly or at least halfway

------- TO Rebekah-Marie Bales Zask - go to the light baby go if you must. I love you too much to tie you to my pissant, poor, people-ish dimension. Daughter go study. I know it was a dream. I know my breath keeps rising and falling and my heart "really" beats and I cannot drift anywhere in reality.

Be free beautiful Spirit. I will work to overcome my grief. amen
bales law

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