rory's important book

The important thing about me is that I have a funny bone. I have friends and I have parents. I have a teacher and I have a family. But the important thing about me is that I have a funny bone.

The important thing about Anza School is that you get to play. It can help you read and learn. It can help you write and color. But the important thing about Anza School is that you get to play.

The inportant thing about a bus is that you don’t need to work. It drives and it takes people places. It has wheels and seats. It has children. But the important thing about a bus is that you don’t need to work.

The important thing about pizza is that it gets deliverd. It gets eaten and the people who deliverd it get payed. It get trone away and it gets throne away in a dumpster. But the important thing about pizza is that it get deliverd.

The important thing about a pet is that we pet it. It runs and walks. It sleeps and wakes up. But the important thing about a pet is we pet it.

The important thing about a dog is we pet it. It runs and walks. It sleeps and wakes up. It has a dog house. But the important thing about a dog is we pet it.

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