I Still am Me

Single women have a dreadful propensity to being poor.

Jane Austen

I Still am Me

Though cruelty has displayed
Its face to me.
Though deception has played
Me like a cheap drum.
Though solitude has made
A hermit of me,
And the powers that be
Have their way with me.

Although I cry uncontrollably
Though I rage occasionally
I did not surrender willingly –
Or will not, when
They come for me –
When they throw the cuffs on me
And charge me with divorce and poverty
Though I know they only look down at me

They will not unseat my soul
They cannot erase the truth, which I know –
Their fire burns and scars
Even their words and looks.
I have committed and created my own set of books
Inside myself, remembering
My own goodness, the accomplishments
That are solid inside their diminishment

Who ARE they? Not you and me.
Bureaucracy, DMV, the local PD
Run amok: the 21st century
Looms looking mostly scary and ugly
To Court-worn, manless mothers like me.
I rise above the money they liened from me,
Maintain faith in what they will not see,
And celebrate that I still am me.

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The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

The Diarist Registry

Barbara Bales 1999-2005 © all rights reserved

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