My Theory of Liars

My Half-Baked Theory of Liars

Or, Bales Law 748

"The liars punishment is, not in the least that he cannot be believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else." George Bernard Shaw

Liars continue to lie in spite of the pain it causes others. Often they are blind to the wrongness of their lying. They assuage their guilt in that respect by telling themselves that everyone does it. Which, unfortunately, works for a lot of people for a real long time.

But that shit falls apart around people like me. When liars run up against somebody who does not lie, their trusty paradigms are revealed for what they are: houses of cards, which will not stand up. Then come the ugly scenes. I want to be where I am trusted, and I am trustworthy. With a liar I am trustworthy but not trusted nonetheless. It must be because the liar knows that he is not trustworthy.

©Barbara Bales 2005

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