today's paean to why

Bales Law - Poetry and Pith

today's paean to why:

today's paean to why: King Solomon: Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as indignant as those who are.

Thanks to Coleen, Lena's mom, who made this animation of Bekah. Meet Lena another victim of vehicular homicide

today's paean to why:

There's like a why ocean,
from which waves of why
either tease or soak my grief-addled mind.
During why's high tide, nearly drowned in why,
The world abounds with why
All I hear is the sound of why
If it tells me it will have to kill me

When why recedes it is still a mystery
Still cannot know it while
I must respect its immense power over me
Riptides of why swamp me regularly
when I'm rolled crazily around in why,
Powerless to dive away from why
Useless to try dominating why.

On the island why I stop to see
How perseverance can still abide in me
On the mainland why I walk the beach
Hope defying why, the why of life
Is easy to see
By my side or inside of me,
Your spirit your love accompanies
With the energy of a wave
that embodies a natural eternity.

Bales Law - A very cool place for software - Indie Journal

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