Why is Revealed to the Writer
Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don t feel I should be doing something else. - Gloria Steinem

Why is Revealed to the Writer

I just love your problems
So readily crystallized,
No one looking at me to solve them
I would not even presume to advise, except
To note that you wrote about your hell
Very well.

You do write very well.
You can toss your angst my way any day
I will read. I appreciate.
One late night revision may lead to decision
Right or wrong deciding is relief
As you write along, I?ll smile and read, smile and read?

Not to escape. To arrive. Yes,
Quest and destination blend as we stand
On the horizon that we survey.
Constantly conveying
Landscapes and mindscapes of change
Mobility is stability; what about this

Would we change? (I?d find a way to get paid)
Nimble fingers and imagination pained
Realities made bearable by virtue of the word.
Words are the tools of our trade.
In their infinite arrangements and rearrangements
On countless invaluable pages

That will still and honestly testify even after we die?
This short explication was writtenbyme
Inspired by the writers at writtenbyme
Because we write, we have an added route to eternity
And this compelling reason to remain
On this plane, where there is paper, as long as we may.

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