CSS3 3D Transforms: RotateX() Method

Rotate X

The rotateX() method rotates an element around its X-axis at a given degree. This is the syntax:

transform: rotateX(55deg);

HTML file: Displayed by browser:
div {
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: yellow;
    border: 1px solid black;
div#myDiv55 {
    -webkit-transform: rotateX(55deg); /* Safari */
    transform: rotateX(55deg);
div#myDiv120 {
    -webkit-transform: rotateX(120deg); /* Safari */
    transform: rotateX(120deg);
div#myDiv180 {
    -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg); /* Safari */
    transform: rotateX(180deg);
This a normal div element.
<div id="myDiv55">
This div element is rotated 55 degrees around the X-axis.
<div id="myDiv120">
This div element is rotated 120 degrees around the X-axis.
<div id="myDiv180">
This div element is rotated 180 degrees around the X-axis.
This a normal div element.
RotateX(55deg): This div element is rotated 55 degrees around the X-axis.
RotateX(120deg): This div element is rotated 120 degrees around the X-axis.
RotateX(180deg): This div element is rotated 180 degrees around the X-axis.

Note: Internet Explorer 9 (and earlier versions) does not support the rotateX() method.

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