CSS3 Transitions: Width Property

The following example shows a 100px * 100px red <div> element. There is a transition effect applied to the width property of the element, with a duration of 2 seconds:

transition: width 2s;

A new value for the width property has been specified whenever a user mouses over the <div> element:

div:hover {width: 300px;}

As shown in the example below, the transition effect starts when the specified CSS property (width) changes value.

HTML file: Displayed by browser:
div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    padding: 5px;
    background: red;
    -webkit-transition: width 2s; /* Safari */
    transition: width 2s;
div:hover {
    width: 300px;
<p>Hover over the &lt;div&gt; element below, to see the transition effect.</p>
<div>Mouse over me and see what I can do!</div>
<p>Notice that when the cursor moves off the element, it gradually changes back to its original style.</p>

Hover over the <div> element below, to see the transition effect.

Mouse over me and see what I can do!

Notice that when the cursor moves off the element, it gradually changes back to its original style.

Note: If the duration part is not specified, the transition will have no effect, because the default value is 0. Also note that this example doesn't work in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.

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