CSS3 2D Transforms: SkewY() Method

The skewY() method skews an element along the Y-axis by the given angle. A positive value skews the element in one direction, while a negative value will skew it to the other direction. The syntax for the skewY method is:

transform: skewY(30deg); <---OR---> transform: skewY(-40deg);

In the following demonstration, we show a variety of degrees for the skewY:

HTML file: Displayed by browser:
div {
   width: 300px;
   height: 100px;
   background-color: yellow;
   border: 1px solid black;
div#Div10 {
   -ms-transform: skewY(10deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: skewY(10deg); /* Safari */
   transform: skewY(10deg);
div#Div-20 {
   -ms-transform: skewY(-20deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: skewY(-20deg); /* Safari */
   transform: skewY(-20deg);
   -ms-transform: skewY(30deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: skewY(30deg); /* Safari */
   transform: skewY(30deg);
div#Div-40 {
   -ms-transform: skewY(-40deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: skewY(-40deg); /* Safari */
   transform: skewY(-40deg);
div#Div50 {
   -ms-transform: skewY(50deg); /* IE 9 */
   -webkit-transform: skewY(50deg); /* Safari */
   transform: skewY(50deg);
This a normal div element, unskewed.
<h3>Using a positive value:</h3>
<br />
<div id="Div10">
This div element is skewed 10 degrees along the Y-axis.
<br />
<div id="Div30">
This div element is skewed 30 degrees along the Y-axis.
<br />
<div id="Div50">
This div element is skewed 50 degrees along the Y-axis.
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<h3>Using a negative value:</h3>
<br />
<div id="Div-20">
This div element is skewed -20 degrees along the Y-axis.
<br />
<div id="Div-40">
This div element is skewed -40 degrees along the Y-axis.
</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
This a normal div element, unskewed.

Using a positive value:

This div element is skewed 10 degrees along the Y-axis.

This div element is skewed 30 degrees along the Y-axis.

This div element is skewed 50 degrees along the Y-axis.

Using a negative value:

This div element is skewed -20 degrees along the Y-axis.

This div element is skewed -40 degrees along the Y-axis.

The Y-axis is the vertical line. If you use a negative value, the skew will be in the other direction, the right side being higher. Note: The skewed elements would have gone beyond the table cell borders if I had not used the <br /> elements.

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