List - Shorthand property

The list-style property is a shorthand property. It is used to set all the list properties in one declaration. When using the shorthand property, the order of the property values are:

  1. list-style-type (if a list-style-image is specified, the value of this property will be displayed if the image for some reason cannot be displayed)
  2. list-style-position (specifies whether the list-item markers should appear inside or outside the content flow)
  3. list-style-image (specifies an image as the list item marker)
HTML file: Displayed by browser:
ul.def {
   list-style-image: url("../html_beg/images/sqpurple.gif");
} {
   list-style: square inside url("../html_beg/images/sqpurple.gif");
ul.out {
   list-style: square outside url("../html_beg/images/sqpurple.gif");
<p>This is default positioning:</p>
<ul class="def">

<p>This is outside positioning:</p>
<ul class="out">

<p>This is inside positioning:</p>
<ul class="in">

This is default positioning:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Pop

This is outside positioning:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Pop

This is inside positioning:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Pop

If one of the property values above are missing, the default value for the missing property will be inserted, if any.

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