Position: Relative;

An element with position: relative; is positioned relative to its normal position. Setting the top, right, bottom, and left properties of a relatively-positioned element will cause it to be adjusted away from its normal position. Other content will not be adjusted to fit into any gap left by the element.

HTML file: Displayed by browser:
div.relative {
    position: relative;
    border: 3px solid #8AC007;
div.relative {
    position: relative;
    left: 30px;
    top: 150px;
    border: 3px solid #8AC007;
<div class="relative">This &lt;div&gt; element has position: relative; without any other positioning. It behaves like a static element.</div>
<br /><div class="relative2">This &lt;div&gt; element has position: relative; with left positioning of 30 pixels and 150 pixels from the top. Notice that it leaves a white space between the other two elements.</div>
<br /><div class="relative">This &lt;div&gt; element has position: relative; which is the same as the first block, and without other positioning.</div>
This <div> element has position: relative; without any other positioning. It behaves like a static element.

This <div> element has position: relative; with left positioning of 30 pixels and 150 pixels from the top. Notice that it leaves a white space between the other two elements.

This <div> element has position: relative; which is the same as the first block, and without other positioning.

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