Anchor (<a>) Pseudo-Classes

Links can be displayed in different ways, but to be effective, the CSS stylesheet must contain the names of the pseudo-classes in this order:

  1. a:link
  2. a:visited
  3. a:hover
  4. a:active
HTML file: Displayed by browser:
a:link { color: #FF0000; } /* unvisited link in RED */
a:visited { color: #00FF00; } /* visited link in GREEN */
a:hover { color: #FF00FF; } /* mouse-over in PINK */
a:active { background-color: yellow; } /* active link hasYELLOW background */
<p><a href="text_hey.html" target="_blank">Do not touch this link!</a>:
All unvisited link will be red if untouched.</p>
<p><a href="../html_beg/index.html" target="_blank">HTML Lessons.</a>:
Whenever the mouse cursor hovers on this link, the color changes to pink.</p>
<p><a href="index.html" target="_blank">CSS Lessons.</a>:
After clicking on any link, it becomes a visited link and turn green.</p>
<p><a href="../index.html" target="_blank">Home Page.</a>:
The moment you click on any link, it becomes active and will be momentarily highlighted in yellow.</p>

Do not touch this link!: All unvisited link will be red if untouched.

HTML Lessons.: Whenever the mouse cursor hovers on this link, the color changes to pink.

CSS Lessons.: After clicking on any link, it becomes a visited link and turn green.

Home Page.: The moment you click on any link, it becomes active and will be momentarily highlighted in yellow.

Note: Pseudo-class names are not case-sensitive. Click here to see more anchor pseudo-classes at work.

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