CSS Styling: Review

You should be well-acquainted with these attributes, elements, properties and terms:

style Attribute used for inline CSS styling

<head> Element where the <style> and <link> elements are stored
<link> Element providing a link between a document and an external CSS file
<style> Element used to define internal CSS styling

border The CSS property used to make element borders visible or not
color The CSS property used to modify text colors
font-family The CSS property used to modify text fonts
font-size The CSS property used to modify text sizes
margin The CSS property used to modify the space outside the border
padding The CSS property used to modify the space inside the border
text-decoration The CSS property used for decorating text

external CSS Styling information saved in an external file which HTML documents link to
inline CSS Styling information stored in the start tag of an element
internal CSS Styling information stored in the <head> element

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