Links: Relative

An absolute URL is a full web address:

<a href="">Absolute URL</a>

A relative URL is a local link, which has been placed on the same website. Relative URLs do not require the "http://www." part of the address.

<a href="filename.html/">Relative URL</a>
HTML file: Displayed by browser:
<h3>This is an example of a relative url.</h3>

<p>My <a href="boo.html" target="_blank">
ghost webpage</a>
has been placed in the same directory as
<b><i>this</i></b> webpage.</p>

This is an example of a relative url.

My ghost webpage has been placed in the same directory as this webpage.

A webpage is a single HTML document. A website is a set of webpages uploaded to the same web hosting service.

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