JavaScript Operator Precedence Priority

Priority Operator Description Example
1 ( ) Expression grouping (3 + 4)
2 . Member
2 [] Member person["name"]
3 () Function call myFunction()
3 new Create new Date()
4 ++ Postfix Increment i++
4 -- Postfix Decrement i--
5 ++ Prefix Increment ++i
5 -- Prefix Decrement --i
5 ! Logical not !(x==y)
5 typeof Type typeof x
6 * Multiplication 10 * 5
6 / Division 10 / 5
6 % Modulo division 10 % 5
6 ** Exponentiation 10 ** 2
7 + Addition 10 + 5
7 - Subtraction 10 - 5
8 << Shift left x << 2
8 >> Shift right x >> 2
9 < Less than x < y 
9 <= Less than or equal x <= y
9 > Greater than x > y
9 >= Greater than or equal x >= y
10 == Equal x == y
10 === Strict equal x === y
10 != Unequal x != y
10 !== Strict unequal x !== y
11 && And x && y
12 || Or x || y
13 = Assignment x = y
13 += Assignment x += y
13 -= Assignment x -= y
13 *= Assignment x *= y
13 /= Assignment x /= y

Top priority goes to expressions in parentheses which are fully computed before the value is used in the rest of the expression.

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