Assignment #4

Create something new and useful. Suggestions were to make a page containing IE-only commands and another containing Chrome-only commands. Use the commands to talk to the user about the page.

HTML file: Displayed by browser:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
document.write("You're using a " +navigator.appName+ " browser. Please click on the " +navigator.appName+ " link below to go to a page made just for you.")
document.write("<P><A HREF=//" + "/bcjello/jsgoodies/basic15_4u.html>Click here</A>.")


Okay, I cheated, and copied most of this from the answer website... It was hard to figure this assignment out when working from the hard drive. The "Click here" link only works properly from an online server (like Geocities, in my case). If running from the hard drive, the "NEXT" button has to be clicked.

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